Sunday, July 22, 2007

160thh post. i'm so pleased. hahah, look at those criminals out there. it has come to my approval that the law 1000098s states, everyone should have a blog. thats nice:X

lalalas. i'm glad cos i got the laptop slipcase. so i don't have to look like some kinda half nerd who carries the large briefcase storing a laptop even before i start to earn my on S-line-line. lolls.(: no offence to anyone.

okayyes, i'm in a killing mood too. so don't tick me. the survey we've completed isn't saved. bloody hell. we've only saved half of it. shit damned it. now we have to complete the other half again!!! :( we're consulting the mentor 2mrrrs. idiot! hais. now we shall hv to finish up in the train to school tomoro morning. its super duperly what the hell. las resort, come early to skuu. cursing my lungs out.

shan't use "ass" anymore. it has different meanings. i looked up the word in the dictionary and came about to know it has more than one meaning. a certain one was utterly obscene i swear.

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