Friday, April 20, 2007

hey blog. firs thing tis morning, sat in da bus. it stopped right in front of my face, and guess what? I happily went up to take a seat by the window at the side where the feris wheel can be seen when we past it. and then this guy sec3/4 i dunno, went to sit next to me! what the hell! and actually, in front, diagonally next to me, there's a another guy. but that sec3/4 guy didn't sit next to him. what the hell!!! I didn't turn right for the whole journey. wanted to slp but couldn't. hias. :( that guy mus have serious brain problems.

reached school, met up with shirlyn, joanna and yiting first, then i went to 1G to call RuoWei. haha. so we started chatting about choir of course. Then its like totally yikes .. when we discussed the topic of "Handover". it must be quite scary since some ppl would feel really disappointed though they've tried their best and are not elected. ): wahhs. anw, so we talked and shirlyn xplained tuu us da problems in pater noster abt them speeding up. and that if dunmanian choristers improved, the judges of 07' had improved with greater standards much more than us .. cos dhsChoir attained gold in 05' and went to Italy for competition in 06'. So much for the thought, but i really wanna go Italy nex yr again. hahah :) well, senoirs + my fellow friend, Shirlyn, you all have to really cheer up and I mean it .. cus reality bites back and its really damn painful compared to perception. I think that one day, us choristers in dhs will do muchh muchh better. lets hope that in yr09' we emerge a gold. and that is the target all us sec1s set, we have to practise for perfection. I think tht the batch of SYF 07' this time already did super .. and that they know they've tried their really very best.

I pray that Gloria and other fellow choristers who are sick would have a speedy recovery and that all dunmanian choristers will not feel downtrodden.

To say the truth, we were all praying for that gold award, and we didn't get it and that's factuality. We can cry, and most of us hold our tears back. Maybe facing the truth is hard, but one day we've really got to admit, but senoirs, you've all Tried Your Best. Yours truly, the sec1s thankyou all for leading us through the choir ettiquettes when we firs stepped in, you're all loved by us!

Ok, so anw, MRT, chat with MY, damn fun though lots of critisisive remarks made abt some ppl.

Said that if me, her and amanda were to live together, it'ld be so perfect to have a music studio, dance studio and theatre. Waah. I'm day-dreaming again. Perhaps it's the mere habit of thinking wonderlands and fictional stuffs that would never come true .. hahaha. too muchh of that lately, maybe you ppl jus dunno cos its that smile i give everyday. A smile which is so deathly faked of the fact that my life's perfect and i dun haf to worry if the sky would drop cos there's bound to be a space shuttle that'll take me to venus. Ok, i sound like mdm sadistic. i'm realli sorry.

reached home;; found a SMS asking whether i would like to go for VJ's choral concert from trish. Msged Ruo, she said she also feel like going, so we happily confirmed our ticx, plus with joanna yiting and i think yiching oso .. haha. Haven't spoken to audrey, have not been contacting her for quite some time.

ok, i'm really spending too muchh time typing all this stuffs. My dad like just bought a MY MOODS laptop mouse for me, so i'm very pleased. haha.

reacalling the days events, today seems super sway, cos i failed LA unseen prose with a 1o/25. Damn the first question, my answer was irrelevan and my marks just flew like that. :) how can that be?

&; oso lost my wallet but found it at GO after skuu .. sad in class, cos haven't found my wallet that i lost last wk, then ZhiHao asked me to cheer up.

Failed chinese spelling oso. haha. My marks jus sucks. Wahaha. sad. I didn't bother to learn wad. Chinese sucks. Full stop. Get it? L.A doesn't suck at all. Cos if I minus away the marks for question 1 .. i would get a 10/12.5 for question 2 which is quite high already.

I am not planning to be intellectually superb in Chinese, all i need is the goddamned foundation and knowing how to speak the freaking language. That's all. Cos, I suck at Chinese, espescially since i am taking higher chinese.

Luckily, dunman high is not that much of a chinese school as i had expected. thank god for that, or i'll plan on suicidal. tankew.

ok, yours truly,
HRH sarah loh.

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