Wednesday, November 07, 2007

1. How's your heart lately?
[uncertain :x]

2. When was the last time you went out?
[evening .. :D]

3. What was the latest movie you saw?
[i forgot. ohyah. the french movie LOLS.]

4. The last place you went?
[people's park?]

5. Miss someone?
[guess so xD how about ^^?]

6. What made you smile today?
[going to korea and shanghai :D ]

7. The last time you fell in love?
[i haven't gotten out of the love i fell into ^^]

8. When was the last time you were drunk?
[i've seen friends getting drunk, but i nvr got drunk :D ]

9. Ever loved someone so deep?
[erh, yeah i guess :D ^^ if he cld join sth illegal for me, i guess i shld love him back]

10. What is your status right now?
[for me to know, for you to FIND out. (: ]

11. Did you dream last night?
[yeah. it was a stupid dream which made ZERO sense, with yingliang and zhihao, but they don't even know each other lah]

12. What were you doing this morning at 7 am?
[SLEEEEPING .. yay!]

13. What were you doing this morning at 10 am?
[singing my heart out in choir :x]

14. What were you doing this afternoon at 12 pm?
[singing my heart out in choir AGAIN xD]

15. Name a place you want to visit.
[me and ^^'s private runaway :D ]

16. How many piercings do you have?
[one each ear :D why? two is cool, but it hurts]

17. Do you have a tattoo?
[erh, nope xD]

18. What was the last thing you ate?
[some supper dimsum or sth :x]

19. What was the last thing you drank?
[tap water, cos i rinse my mouth mah .__.]

20. What do you want to do today ?
[nothing. i've LOW expectations in my living thrill ]

21. Do you have a nick name?
[yeah. YANYAN. :D iluvit]

22. Things you need to do everyday?

23. Are you a type of person who easily gets hurt?
[not so lah. but depends on who :D]

24. The last thing you said to one of your friends?
[i said, "bye bye" to huang tao :D]

25. The last person who called you?
[erh, my GODMOM!! :D]

26. The last person who sent you a message?

27. The last person you chat with?

28. The last person you talked with?
[dad :DDD]

29. What can't you live without?
[friends, ^^, cousin, internet, laptop, phone, sms, memories]

30. What song(s) is (are) in your head now?
DANG NI by cyndi wang. i kinda changed his impression on me las yr cos of the illegal thingy he joined to save me or smth. but i umm .. told him the truth and now its okay. the song reminds me of how i felt when we both misinterpretated each other]

31. Is there someone you love?
[uhhh. DUH. ^^, friends, cous .. :D]

32. Where are you?
[on my swivel, in my room, dimmed lights]

33. Having a date?
[like real]

34. Who do you want to meet?
[i want to meet ^^]

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