Wednesday, December 19, 2007

okay, ive censored parts of ytd's post alrdy.
he's my friend, i shouldn't expose stuffs.
and i shldn't feel that way towards my friend.
right? wrong? well, right.
god, i don't what's wrong with myself nowadays.
i wonder if he read what've written alrdy.
i don't knw if this is just a stupid setup.

oh, and did i mention?
my life really stinks. come live it and you'd knw.
if there's anyone i knw who wants to try,
live the life im living,
i'm willing to do a permanent swap.
sometimes, things aren't fair.
that's what everyone tells me, things aren't fair.
thn how come everything i do, must be fair?
and everything i do, has to seek some rational factor?
it's stupid.
fair and unfair issues are just excuses to what you guys do.

my brother went for table tennis at sch,
and i had to sit in front of an empty desk with a handphone,
in my mother's office, what's that man!
from 2 to 5. well, no life.
then, went to fetch my bro at 5. he was late. damnit.
and there's an excuse, definitely, like i said.
he wasted my goddamned time.

another issue, sibling abusing.
he scratches me for no reason. yes, no reason at all.
besides the maybe fact that he hates everything i have to say.
so guess what i told him?
i said scratch, scratch harder, scratch somemore,
until my arm bleeds if you're happy like that.

eating? yes, that's a huge problem.
1 plate of chicken rice and soup per person,
and he wants some of my share.
mom says, i shld give him, guys need to eat more.
and wtfh. that's very fair i suppose.
i pushed my meal aside, and said he could have everything he likes.
i don't have to eat anymore.

there's a stupid huge problem in the rivalry between fair or unfair.
so i rather both words weren't even in the dictionary.
i mean, what is the point? period.
typical issue right? i mean, problems and problems occured because,
people what to justify what's fair what's not.
oh, that's just stupid.
excuses, excuses and even more excuses, all excuses.

and my mom thinks im so desperate for money.
she says im a stupid poser, and i give her black face.
oh, fine then, whatever you say i guess.
don't bring me out then, just buy back my meals.
going out is wasting my time.

and when i call my brother retarded, she takes it ever so seriously,
she asks me to write that i'm retarded on my blog.
i offered her to help me write it. and she said she would.
i gave her the link, password and username,
apparently, the last time i checked, she had no guts to rite that im retarded.
well, i am retarded.
there, its typed, black. so much for having born a retarded daughter.

one thing i know, my fingernails aren't painted black with silver sticker crossbones.
i don't where tubes and walk around public, because i don't even buy any.
and moremoremore.statement: im so unposer, check the mirror. lookout for yourself.

you're a lecturer, and so? in a polytechnic. wow, awesome. yeah.
that's for you, for me, that's no life.
if you're expecting me to be your imperial clone, you can just wake up.
because i have a job that i enjoy. you enjoy teaching? oh, keep that to yourself.

that's all,
yeah. bye.

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