Sunday, December 02, 2007

all you have to do is go to ..
then read what i've written there,
to know why i'm so effing unpleased. =.=
all they knw how to do is open their mouth,
and start shouting remarks and comments,
which are phrased so unpleasantly,
it makes me want to slap their pale face. D:
there! i'm not flaming or slamming.

i've read half of my chi storybk,
and given up, so i'm relying on flipping the pages,
to find answers, then just write them down on my w/s.
its torturous, but i've managed to complete half,
in an hour. great yeah??

and, about CAP. it's quite hopeless lah. writer's block ._.
not a good thing heh.
i've written .. 4 poems, and two stories.
but i think i'm taking out 1 poem and adding another story?
:D maybeeee if i have time.

i'm like rushing out all my homework by next sunday.
so i can fly? to korea, and leave reality behind =.=
yeah right. that's impossible luh. cos family is there D:
i want to fly away, MYSELF next time. :) more fun.

called meiyi, and told her about the:
if you want to be mean, i can be meaner, you can bet on it"
sentence, i rote to roy on the class blog :]
interesting you know, you guys shld read it.
both of us had a great laugh,
the LBRs, aka losers beyond control" thingy was funny too.

i offed my phone for friday and saturday, and on it today.
as usual, i was trying to escape frm life.
which was quite unpleasant huh. cos of temptation ):
smses. is. a. big. thing. altogether. ><

dad carried our personal luggages to our own rooms already.
bro already made a list of what to pack, including his teddy?
and bolster =.= la-me ;\
i haven't. i'm bringing lotsa stuff. including skirt :D
so that, if its not snowing then i can wear, since it matches with the coldwear.
I bugged dad for new winter clothes,
cos him more than $300? on mine personally. =.=
turtlenecks, scarfs, gloves, hat, earmuffs, long socks, jacket .. :D
they rock.

bye. random.

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