Tuesday, January 29, 2008

you're pretty, you're smart.
but it's a great pity, you've a black heart.

today was a seeemingly okay day, no major unhappiness whatsoever.
i can call it sucky, i can say it rocked, whatevs la :D
and im sitting with clarence, enya's sitting with sean and,
amanda cheah's sitting with raaaason >< we must ahhem, sacrifice lorh.

okay, things are changing, rapidly.
i don't enjoy flaming, so i shall not flame :x
but seriously, neither do i enjoy getting flamed,
and no, my tolerance level is not THAT high [:
what you're doing is wrong,
you are writing YOUR opinion,
appealing to the public to be influenced by you.
but that's not the way to go, stating untrues.

you've misinterpreted us, the majority of the cls knws that.
and you place your misunderstood thoughts on your blog.
whats that. i don't want to say anymore.

bye and good luck babe.

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