Monday, August 27, 2007

1. spell your name w/o vowels: srhlhynpn
2. are you single: duhhh :DDD
3. what's you fave number: 07!!
4. what colour do you wear most: blackkk!! (((:
5. least fave colour: errr ... how bout none? except those ugly greyy :(((
6. what are you listening to: nothing ^^
7. what do you smoke to: i don't smoke and i don't want to smoke.. eeeeeyuckkk!! :((
8. are you happy with your life right now: err .. okayy luhh .. so-so
9. did anyone say that you look like a celeb: yea, maybe .. but i don't care :X
10. what's your fave class in school: P.E netball ... cos TEAM 4 ROCKS AT IT
11. do you shop at hollister/abercrombie/AE: hollister nope, abercrombie yepp .. sometimes.
12. How do you make money: no plans yet .. maybe blogging ^^
13. Who is your best friend: PLD and KSCUBE
14. Are you outgoing: bucuo lar, seriously depends.
15. One word to describe you: =.= its not one word, many in fact.
16. Favorite pair of footwear: converse shoes or elle slippers??
17. Do you own big sunglasses: duhh, so cool :DDD
18. Where do you wish you were right now: somewhere nice with someone nice?
19. What should you be doing right now: whatever i want? no limitations lahh.
20. Do you have a crush on anyone right now: dunno, don't think so? O.o

Can you blow a bubble? yeeea .. ._.
Can you dance? MODERN ROCKKS. yea duhh.
Can you do a cart wheel? noppeees. ><
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth? love cherry but never heard of that! ;D
Can you touch your toes? used too .. but shot up to muchh. sighs. )):
Can you whistle? nehh.
Can you wiggle your ears? nada.
Can you wiggle your nose o.O
Can you roll your tongue? YUPPPS XD

Did you ever get into a fist fight at school? mayybeee ... because of me but wasn't me. ><
Did you ever run away from home? not yet.
Did you ever want to be a doctor? eeee no! :(
Did you ever want to be a fire fighter? for guyys lah.
Do you believe in God? OF COURSE!
Do you know how to swim? yeaaaa! >< synchronising swimming rocks.
Do you like roller coasters? DEPENDS.
Do you own a bike? DUHHHHH. love biking.
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows? bleaghh yuckks.

Does hair loss run through your family? i'll die if it did. NOOOO!
Does your car get good gas mileage? what's gas mileage??
Does your family have family picnics? neverr .. DDDD:

How did you find out about Friendster? cousiinn!! BBJJ and CDJJ
How many Friendster friends have you met in person? LOST count. ><
How much money do you have on you right now? don't want sayy! :DDD

Last person you hung out with? brother??
Last thing you said out loud? lahhhh ...
Last thing someone said to you? something like waking up at 10+??

What are you listening to? FISHHLEONG's soundtrack.
What is the temperature outside? niceeee.. morning mahh.
What radio station do you listen to? 93.3 and 83.3
What was the last restaurant you ate at? HAN'S with mummy.
What was the last thing you bought? i bought??? hmm ... desert for carolyn. :DD
What was the last thing you had to drink? strawberry sherbet.
What was the last thing on TV you watched? devil wears PRADA.

Who is your newest friend that added you on Friendster? forgot ..
Who was the last person you MSNed: clarence??
Who talked to you on the phone last? godmommyy :DDD
Who was the last person you took a picture of? CAROHH darling and meee!!;X
Who was the last person to leave you a comment: dunno. didn't checkk. hehhs.
Who was the last person you said I love you to? no one. :DDDD

Ever really cried your heart out? uh-huh
Ever cried yourself to sleep? yea ...
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder? nahh.
Ever cried over the opposite sex? don't think so.
Do you cry when you get an injury? long time ago ..
Do certain songs make you cry? yeahh..
Do certain movies make you cry? maybee .. cos i felt like crying, but didn't. :DD i can control.

Are you a happy person? Yesh! :D
What can make you happy? my family and friends :)
Do you wish you were happier? yeah, but i am satisfied ;)
Is being happy overrated? i don't agree
Can music make you happy? YESH. :]

Do you actually hate anyone? YEAHH.
Ever made a hit list? whats that??
Have you ever been on a hit list? what's that again??
Are you a mean bully? ofcourse.

Is your self-esteem extremely low? no. its HIGH.
Do you believe in yourself? DUHH.
Are you good looking? uhh .. normal like any one else.
Do you wish you could be someone else? BEING MYSELF ROCKS.
What is your current hair color? brownishh blackk?
current piercings: how about ordinary 1 pair??
tatoos: hmm .. not yet lollx.
straight or curly: straight. :DDD
Been on the phone until the sun came up? yea, 4.30am?? with kimberly?? for IDMI.
Laughed so hard you peed in your pants? eeee NO! disgusting.
Laughed so hard you cried? YEAAHHH.
Got in a fight with someone? Yupps.. ..

Do you like surveys? not really.
Do you get along with your parents? err .. don't think so. :DDDD
Do you have mental breakdowns? maybeee at times.
Did you ever tell your parents you didn't feel good so you didn't have to go to school? i don't say anything.

Current mood: feeelingless.
Current music: fishleong soundtrack.
Current hair style: just cut recently.
Current crush: :X its beeen long.
Current thing I ought to be doing: nothingggg!
Current windows open: internet lors.
Current desktop picture? MY PICX.

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