Sunday, April 06, 2008

eehh guys.hellllooo D:
dar, i feel so stressed. wish you were here (x
yeahxsz. sigh. so many things due-ing and tests D:
gah. im dying off.

lets see, the FPS is a total sucker.
and thats the reason im mugging now.
history i've done my part, but i cant help caring for smy.
and CLARENCE! you owe me like alot -.-
CME project was settled with kimberly this afternoon.
phews. and im asked to help some person aka zh, find a partner.
cos it seems to him that since i dont wanna do with him,
its my fault so i hve to find another imba kia as his partner.
but thats like my least priority.

okay, i've completed my math wksheet,
given complements that im a pro :D nah, im kiddin.
that and, er, well ... lets see, yeah, gong han, DONE.
last night okay. like at 12 plus. cos suddenly,
i felt so hopeless i had to do some work. and TADAH.

err.. let me think, what else do i have ..
yeah, TESTS! D: science and chinese.
i HAVE to mug for my science ... i failed the last bio one.
hopefully SR would be much more interesting :/ -bobo.

DDDDD: and i have to practice piano and guitar O_O
can't you tell people? that im dying off so soon?

and still have problems with my social life. wow. interesting.
kjldjlnfkjn f bits and f bits and bits. >< LALALA.
sarah, jiayous.

lets see ..
um, kimberly, meiyi, zhihao .. whoever else jiayou too.
yeah, darling you too (x
i'd always love you no matter what happens.

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